We are currently trying to raise capital for an advanced prototype that will be important for a successful kickstarter campaign and attracting future investors. We have many unique methods designed and patented to create this technology. We are launching our business with a method that is actually quite simple.
Our first basic design works with the help of something many people already have in their backyards, a trampoline. We discovered that by pressing a hard flat board to the bottom of a trampoline, using controllable robotic arms, the jumping zone of any trampoline can be transformed into a standard hard surface.
The jumping material on every type of trampoline is actually so thin, there is absolutely no obstruction to the wheels on a skateboard when rolling across this material while a hard flat board pressed beneath and the feel is identical to a normal hard surface. When the user is afraid they might fall, they can simply activate the robotic arms below to remove the support being provided to the trampoline by pressing a button, using voice commands, or allowing the motion sensing A.I. technology to predict the fall for them. When the support is quickly removed, the user can then fall safely onto a standard soft trampoline.
This simple design, will completely remove the fear of falling for skateboarders, roller-skaters, and many other people doing all kinds of activities that rely on a hard surface. Any size trampoline will work using this method and today trampolines can actually be quite large, which provides more than enough space for the activities we will be targeting.
When our Smart Trampoline prototype is complete we will launch a kickstarter campaign that will be focused on raising the capital to manufacture this prototype into a product line. The finished product will then be marketed to indoor skateparks, rollerskating rinks, fun parks, entertainment centers, and many other locations.
From there we will begin to build several of our other advanced designs which will eventually allow us to open our trademarked Smart Skatepark locations with Programmable Surface Technology. These facilities will feature wall2wall protection from a fall, even on skateboard ramps like halfpipes!
As we advance the technology we will begin the process of marketing Smart Surface technology to every sport, activity, and daily life situation. Making almost anything you can think of more fun, appealing, and less risky.
-Donate now using the link below to support the development of the prototype.
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